Tuesday 11 January 2011

Change of plans


Here I am again, but it won't be a long blog. Even with another week spent in Switzerland, I don't really have a lot to tell you, even though there's been some things happening.

The most drastic change is that we're already moving out of this apartment end of this week. We're not leaving for Luxembourg just yet, but we found out today that we are being relocated to a hotel room in Dübendorf. The reason behind that is a Maltese group of Ab Initio's starting their basic course here at Skyguide, and apparently, the Maltese ANSP insisted on having their trainees in an apartment right away instead of having to spend the first two weeks in a hotel. This means that Damien, Jennifer, Willem and I will have to move to the Sonnental-hotel in Dübendorf next Friday.

In fact, we were first asked if we could move on Thursday evening, but with the ACD-exam coming up (which we all expect to be quite hard, if it's not the hardest exam we'll have here) on Friday, we didn't really like the planning they had set up for us. But the move itself is still a coin on its side which could fall either way. So far, the new location looks good (who wouldn't want a 4-star-hotel to stay in for 2 weeks and have any expenses reimbursed) but I still have to figure out the shortest/fastest way to Skyguide. So far, it looks like we'll effectively start using our subscriptions to public transport just now.

Besides our relocation right now, we're also thinking about our move to Luxembourg already. Especially with Gregor, an instructor at the IANS who came to Switzerland for a few weeks, we got a lot of information on what life in Luxembourg is actually like, what to expect from the courses etc.
There's been some chatting going on about our stay in the Nittlerhof as well, like how we'll be able to get to the IANS if we all start at different times and such, but I'm sure it will point itself out in time.

To end with, achieved results and upcoming exams. Glad to say I passed LAW and the ACC Simulator-exam (examiner was Gregor, by the way). Of course, there are still some working points, but for this point in training, I'm doing pretty good.
This week, I have the MET and ACD-exam. We had MET today, and I don't think I failed it. Had some fears about specific things in the course, but the exam went very well. ACD could be another matter though. For some reason, I'm not able to get it inside my head and keep it there, even though I've been studying it for weeks already. I just hope the need to learn it now, will somehow help to cram it all in, but I guess we won't find out if it was sufficient until next Friday (or Monday, if we get the results then).

That's it again. Thanks for still reading. :-)

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