Monday 22 November 2010

Finally, some time

Hey again,

I suppose most of you were already thinking I quit writing this blog. I must admit I feel like a lousy blog-writer actually. My initial intentions were to keep everyone up-to-date at least every two days, even if it was just a short note, but today I realised it has almost been a week since I last wrote one. Time again for some catching up.

I won't go into a very lot of detail here, or I'd make it too lengthy again (which I heard some people dislike), so I'll just say the main activities of last week and today.

As said in my previous blog, I had three exams last week (ACT, RAD and FPL). Glad to say I passed all exams last week, but I can't remember my exact marks anymore. Had some harder times last week - home sickness is unfortunately a part of being away from family - so they weren't as good as could have been. But the most important fact is that I passed all exams nonetheless, I guess. And a memorable note to my girlfriend, for cheering me up and keeping me going, is not at all out of place.

In the weekend, we did two things, instead of the regular one.

On Friday evening, some of us went to see the last Harry Potter-movie. My opinion: if you liked the previous movies, even if it was just a bit, you'll love this one. But you have to keep a few things in mind before watching it.
First of all, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was completely messed up story-wise, so I suggest you read that book before seeing The Deathly Hallows Part I. And the last 2 words of last sentence bring me to the next item.
This is just part I, so it is more a build-up to the big finale (even though it can manage on itself just fine as well). Therefor, don't expect this movie to end as a normal movie ending. The ending is perfect for this movie, but not what you'd expect.
And if you go watching, keep a bit of popcorn for the already famous animation coming near the end of the movie. ;-)

Saturday afternoon, I got myself a new haircut (note to self: haircuts are expensive in Switzerland. Wait until you are out of the country next time, even if it's very necessary !!) and in the evening, three of us went ice skating in Dübendorf. The place was dead, so we bounced pretty early (inside joke present, if you don't understand it), but it was good fun. Bad part of that evening was we had to run to get our bus back home, but we just made it.

Sunday, I dived into my books for my exams this week: BRT (which I had today) and NAV (which I have on Thursday). BRT was not really a problem for me, since most of the course material was something I've been occupying myself with for the past 4 years, but I'm a bit afraid for NAV. I can't get my head around some of those calculator-things. Somehow, it suddenly seems very abstract to me again. I hope I get it right again by Thursday. :-/

Tomorrow, we have an afternoon RAD-visit planned to the RADAR-site in Hollberg (near Zürich, apparently?). Better not stand in front of those bad boys, because according to what Otto said, they can make you infertile for many years in less than 8 micro-seconds. °_°

That was it for today. Auf wiedersehen.

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