Wednesday 1 December 2010

A new month

Hey everyone,

Gaps are getting bigger between my blogs, and I'm afraid I don't really have a valid reason for that. Only thing I can say is I'm sorry. I often have the time to leave a (small) note, but I just don't start writing.
But on a positive note: I survived the RADAR-visit, without chemical castration as far as I'm aware.

But what happened here in Switzerland in the past week?

Well, I had two exams last week (BRT, NAV) and I was quite afraid for the latter as it just seemed like a lot of hard stuff to learn, as I said in my previous blog. Luckily, when I read the exam questions, there wasn't really much I didn't know. Maybe I just studied that much that the exam became a walk in the park, or the exam was just a lot easier than expected.
Had a good eye on BRT from the start, so not a lot of fear for that one, but still a lot to learn precisely.

Got my results last Thursday, both passed, with my highest score yet: 96 (BRT) and 97% (NAV). *proud*

To make things even better, my girlfriend arrived for another weekend here on that same day. We had a great time in Zurich after school on Friday, and in the weekend we joined the group in going to Liechtenstein's capital village Vaduz.
Even though it was a Saturday, the main shopping street of Vaduz was near to empty, as were all other streets actually. Weird to imagine that village is actually THE center (political, economical, ...) in Liechtenstein. At first, we thought Liechtenstein was just an abandoned country, but we soon found out where they were hanging out. The local McDonalds was PACKED !!

In the afternoon, we decided to walk up to the Royal Castle (Schloss Vaduz) before going home. A nice climb, with improving weather as we went up. A bit dull at the castle itself, as it isn't open to visits, but we had good fun on the way up and down.

Now, a new month is starting in which a lot is about to happen. Of course, we still have exams (6 in total), but from now on, we can also go into the simulator for bringing our theory into practice. FINALLY !!
Today, we have our introductory course to the piloting side of the simulator (from 17h until 21h), and tomorrow we start with BRG. I'm really excited about finally getting some action, instead of just sitting and listening.
Aside school, December is also the month of our Christmas leave, so after 2 months in Switzerland, I can go home again for the holidays. I just hope the prospect of that leave isn't going to interfere too much with paying attention in class and during exams.
And of course, winter's approaching rapidly as well. We had our first snow last week, much like the rest of Europe, as I read and hear. In fact, it's snowing lightly now as well, if you look outside through a magnifying glass.

But now I'm off again. We start at 14h20 today, but I still need to have lunch and do some revising for our exams this week (RTB tomorrow, RAT on Friday).

See you later, most probably somewhere this weekend, though I can't promise anything yet.

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